Why Do I Need A Website

Everything is available at the touch of button these days, the internet is at our fingertips wherever and whenever. The internet allows people to reach a worldwide audience and allows you to find things worldwide without too much effort. More and more people have moved to purchasing and hiring things online and maybe you should be taking advantage of that.

So, why is a website important for your company?

Cost Efficiency

The cost of a website is in front of you from the start; the initial start-up costs along with the ongoing monthly/yearly payments. This allows you to budget from the get go. A website is a way for you to advertise without having to make a further expense. A range of tools are available to you, perhaps a pop-up advert on your website for a promotion, or maybe a special promotional code exclusively for your website users.


Having a website means that your company is accessible 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The internet doesn’t take a break for the weekend or have the holiday season off. So, even when you aren’t working, your website is. Your website allows people to view your company and its services/products from the comfort of their own home, on the work commute, a quick check or comparison whilst out shopping, the list is endless. It opens you and your company up to a wider market at the click of a few buttons. SO even if your premises isn’t available to the commuter that doesn’t return until after 6pm, they can still access your products/services with the use of a website.


Without sales your business doesn’t move. A website means that sales can take place 24/7. Your shop or office may only be available between ‘normal’ work hours, this isn’t something that everyone can get to, and the availability to be able to sell to these people at a different time, one more suitable for them opens your business up to a wider audience.


Having a website gives you more of a professional look. People know what your company is about, and what it can provide. ‘About Us’ pages allow you to add detail of how the company started and how it got to this point and where it aims to go; this then gives your company a personal feel to the customer, that understand you and trust they are putting their hard earned money in to safe, hardworking hands. Review pages can allow previous customers to leave reviews and ratings, in the now digital age that we live in, these are a big part of people making decisions about the things that they buy.

Social Media Use

Most people use some form of Social Media these days, whether it be Facebook, Twitter, Instagram of Snapchat, these are further outlets that you can use to grow your business. Sharing your website on Facebook can guide people that weren’t quite sure what you do straight to the heart of it. All the information they could need as well as the things that are available to them. A share or 2 from a family member or friend and you could well see your website address reach 500+ people. As well as sharing your website through social media, you can also link your social media to your website. An Instagram page is a great way for people to see what your business does with their own eyes, picture is worth a thousand words after all. The more that you cover in terms of social media, the further your company can travel. Linking it with a website is like a match made in heaven.

It is a Showcase

Your website is a great tool to showcase your work. As well as providing pictures, you can provide information about the product/service. Customers that have previously purchased an item or service can give a review or feedback for future customers. A showcase of your stock/services gives them a personality, an identity, a relatability.

Great Customer Service

A website that is created well is inviting and engaging. Potential customers like to have a look around and see what they can, find out as much as they can and find the best deal for themselves. Using a contact form on your website allows your customers to get in touch with any questions that they have before they purchase. If the shop/office isn’t available to them because of timings or travel, but they would like some advice or information, a website allows you to be contacted via email. This then allows you the chance to still land a sale even though the customer has never visited you. Using a professional and friendly manner when answering queries can gain you respect from potential customers. The fact that you have taken time out of your usual work day to get back to them and help them is something that is admired.

Engaging Content

The amount of information that you can add to your website is endless, you do not need to find physical space for it either, and this gives lots of potential. Adding a blog in to a website allows you to become more personable to the audience, you have a voice. It also gives you a chance to inform people of what is coming up, what future plans are, something they can look out for. Knowledge of what you do is always something that makes your audience trust you more; small explanations, information snippets and pictures all engage an audience.

All in all, a website is a great tool for your company. With the ability to help with sales, marketing, accessibility, customer service as well as much more, it really is the perfect all-in-one tool.

If you would like to hear how Black Nova Designs can help you create a reasonably priced yet highly effective website then get in contact and we will be happy to run through some options with you.  01793 210 045